Monday, February 06, 2012

{part 10}

Comptine D'Un Autre: L'Apres Midi by Yann Tiersen on Grooveshark
{parts 12345678, & 9}

when deciding which way to walk, it is a good thing to know where you'd like to end up. if you don't know where you'd like to end up, or if you would just like to end up, eventually, where you began, i usually like to turn my feet 90 degrees to the right, and just set off.

so, that's what we did.


we walked for a good half hour and didn't see a single soul. in fact, the whole time we were on the isle of skye {approximately 4 hours}, the only people we saw were service people. bus drivers, ticket handlers, post office workers. it was as if the island and all of its services were all for us.

but like i said, a half hour. a good half hour, at least. maybe fifteen minutes.

we found a gate. a boarded up office. we found our way past the gate {because there's always a way past a gate} and found ourselves in a beautiful forest garden.


the forest garden had trees and plants and bridges over little waterfalls, but most of all it had a certain feeling. and that, i'm afraid, i can't describe to you very well, or show you a picture of. have you seen a movie or read a book about elves or invisible things or fairies or dragons or ogres or magic or adventures of any kind? alice in wonderland, the voyage of the dawn treader, that?


the feeling was like that, only pricklier and shiverier and more dense, because we were in it. and we were the only ones in it. and it was as quiet as a place could get, and there was a little drizzle, and the sky was grey and orange and purple and i thought i saw a dragon. {i probably didn't.}


but i did see a castle. or the ruins of it, anyway. and i looked in the falling-down rooms and through the falling-down windows and imagined people living there and walking around the gardens and having parties and that.


and further in the forest, i saw a boat, and some strange sculptures, which i didn't touch even though there were no signs telling me not to.


soon, the rain was inside our clothes and the weight of our backpacks reminded us that our three hours were probably soon up. so we did what you should do when you need to go back to where it is you came from: we turned our feet 180 degrees to the left, and just set off.



Matt Fischbacher said...

Wow Suzy that's amazing! The music even finished just as i reached the bottom!
Miss u guys
Matt <3

larisaa said...

Wow. This doesn't even look real. It's all just so insanely beautiful.

sarahannnoel said...

Whatever. That's a movie set. You're making it up for sure.

WOOOOOWWWWWWWW. Want to build our office in that forest?!

Sarah Rooftops said...

Amazing - so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

walking around aimlessly is possibly the best thing ever.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Looking through your pictures, I felt like I was in Narnia...it took me back to my childhood, and that was quite delightful!

Carmen said...

That is BEAUTIFUL. And you told it wonderfully and took perfect pictures. If I can't someday go to the Isle of Skye and wander around and find an enchanted forest and an old castle, at least I read this post. :)

kalie brynn. said...

it seems to me that you are an expert adventurer. or magic-magnet. because you find/see the most amazing things. maybe it's because your eyes are open for them though, and some people don't look for the beautiful things. i like this fact about you :]

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous pictures. The trees look magical/spooky/awesome all at the same time. I love it!

Suzy Krause said...

haha! well i guess you read at the exact right speed. :)
we miss you too!

Suzy Krause said...

i really wish i could've captured how beautiful it actually was...just ridiculous.

Suzy Krause said...

haha i don't know--our desks might get carried off by invisible dragons!

Suzy Krause said...

YOU NEED TO GO THERE SARAH!!!! it's so close to where you are....

Suzy Krause said...

definitely. absolutely. for sure. :)

Suzy Krause said...

haha, it really did feel like narnia. barclay and i said that over and over. in whispers. it felt weird to talk out loud in there...

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks carmen!
i do hope you get to go someday. i think you would appreciate it well. :)

Suzy Krause said...

aw garsh!! that's a lovely compliment.
{i do keep my eyes open. i think that's one of the things i like about having a blog: it makes me keep my eyes open.}

Suzy Krause said...

thanks very much nicki! the pictures don't even do it justice though--you'll have to go see it for yourself. i think you'd love it...

Jessica said...

this place is like magic! and the boat was totally unexpected and awesome!


Suzy Krause said...

totally magic. i seriously had lines from the voyage of the dawn treader running through my head the whole time. spooky. :)

Unknown said...

These pictures are magic! I wish I could go there...

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks--and do. i totally recommend it...

nova said...

It's so weird to think that old abandoned castles like that used to be filled with people and life. Neat.

Suzy Krause said...

totally. walking around ruins feels like mingling with ghost princesses.