That's why I love these little plastic Lomography cameras. They have enough settings and buttons and switches and flashes and filters to keep things interesting, without ever once making me feel like I'm doing something "wrong". I can take a million exposures on a single frame and I can leave the shutter open as long as I feel like and I can shoot in a dark room or outside in the middle of the day and it's all good. Plus, you have no digital view finder window to see if what you're doing is working. Surprises are my favourite. {Pictures from my La Sardina here.}
I got the little fisheye friend pictured above for Christmas this year {last Thursday, because we always celebrate way late}, and I've already shot a roll and gotten it developed. {Too excited to remember how expensive film developing really is.} These are a few of my favourite things...
1. multiple exposures + spinning the camera
I LOVE THESE! It would be hard to pick a favourite, but I'm really drawn to the person in the street with the sun flare right behind their head.
I kind of get what you mean, too. My photography's a lot better than it used to be and I like knowing what I'm doing, but I take pictures because *I* enjoy taking pictures; I don't want to be taking them to meet other people's expectations or requirements.
That said, I'm going to do some posts soon about taking better pictures WITH SMALL AFFORDABLE CAMERAS. Because all I ever read about is how to use fancy expensive lenses. And I can't afford any of those.
ah, see, I've decided I definitely like those toy cameras better than the real fancy ones. These pictures are awesome!
Thanks for the shout out! I seriously don't want to see anyone with blank film. Also, I'll start thinking of photo lab stories to write about, there have been so many over the years....
I love shutter-open light art pictures! I tried to be a "real" photographer and I f'ing hated it. It totally ruined the whole thing for me, I'm only now getting back to feeling good about doing it.
i'm excited about that post!!!! :)
i definitely do too! and thanks. :)
thanks for looking out for the rest of us... :D
and that's a shame, cuz you're an excellent photographer!!!
Great photos! Can this little camera use regular 35mm color film too? I'm so clueless when it comes to real film! I really loved your close ups and when you left the shutter open. So pretty!
Brides scare me, too. Big reason why I quit "real" photography. Also? These photos make me miss Regina desperately. I really do love that city.
Also, funnest photo shoot I ever did? The engagement photos for you and Barclay.
yes maam! these were actually all shot with normal 35mm kodak film {i'm saving the special film for special occasions}.
Regina misses you back. :(
that day was so fun!!! you and your poor throat though! haha! we still have a couple of those pictures hanging up around the house. i love them. :)
Your multiple exposure pictures are amazing! I can't wait to get myelf one of these! x
thanks! i quite enjoyed how they turned out too. :) and you absolutely should get one; they're so much fun!
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