Monday, April 15, 2013


It's the calm before the storm over here today.


It's the slightly frenetic and assiduous before the storm. 

I'm getting ready for the JUNOS; researching for interviews, emailing PR people, organizing schedules and meetings, making notes and shuffling papers and, every eight hours or so, laying flat on my back to count the ceiling tiles and eat pickles.

The one thing I haven't been doing is blogging. I've wanted to; I've missed it. And I've tried, even. I'd wake up in the morning and grab a coffee and open my laptop...but then I'd remember that email I had to send, or have to take off to a meeting, or just get fed up by the stack of dishes in the sink. 

And honestly, I felt weird writing/talking about what I've been up to. 2013 has been a little bit surreal so far, and a lot of fun, and I'm getting to meet so many interesting people and try so many new and random things that I never imagined I'd get to try, or even thought I'd want to try. Silly things, and little things, and scary things. I've hinted at some of them, mentioned some briefly, but others I've kept under my hat. IRL and on the blog. 

I guess I was scared you'd think I take myself too seriously when I'm just having fun and trying new things. I was scared you'd think the things I'm filling my days with are stupid and unimportant. I was scared you'd judge my motives or mistake my excitement for self-importance. I was scared you'd call me pretentious behind my back and tune me out when I talk, like I did to that one girl I sat with at a wedding reception last year who wouldn't quit talking about her blossoming acting/singing career. (That wasn't very nice of me.)

And so it was that I pretty well stopped blogging. Because my time has been taken almost entirely up by things that I didn't want to blog about.

But last night as I was eating pickles and counting ceiling tiles, I decided that it's okay for me to be excited about silly things, and to talk about them with my friends and to write about them on here. Because, for me anyway, the best part of any experience is the part afterward where you put everything into your own words and share it. And if people don't want to hear about it, then that's ok too. They're probably not the ones reading this anyway.

Anyway. For now, I need to go do things. 

Which I will tell you about later, if you promise not to call me names and tune me out.


Unknown said...

I PROMISE not to call you names (you know I'd never do that)! I need details woman...details on your super, awesome, fantastical life and blossoming career!!!

Suzy Krause said...

hahahahha not career. definitely not career. but thank you for not calling me names. i never call you names either. that's why we're besties.

Unknown said...

Sure, it could be a could make a career out of being awesome!!

Nova said...

About the Junos, can I come with you as your plus one? I won't embarrass you, I promise.

Suzy Krause said...

DO IT. so many good bands there this year...!!!

Jen Glen said...

I love that stopping blogging for you is a week without a post! I just went a month! But don't ever really stop, b/c yours is pretty much the bestest blog ever, my friend. And then how would I know what's going on with you since I'm one of those friends who we rarely ever see each other but I still love to know what you're doing! (And, I think that what you're doing is totally cook anyway!)

Carmen said...

Yay for you and your surreal year! I, for one, am happy to live vicariously through you.

Erika Hayden said...

Don't let the insecurities stop you! I looove reading your blog and I love hearing about these life adventures!

Suzy Krause said...

mm, i wasn't so much referring to the week without a post; more like the posting really dumb posts once a week for a couple months instead of the usual once/day posts. i guess i never really "stopped" but i didn't really feel like i was in it for a while there.

you know?

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks. :) i'm glad to have you along.

Suzy Krause said...

you're great. thank you. :)

Holly Knitlightly said...

You should TOTALLY be proud about all of the awesome things you've been up to this year! Woooooooo!

Suzy Krause said...

aw shucks. you're sweet. :D

Mich said...

I never think negative thoughts about your exciting adventures! I always think of you fondly and proudly and am so excited for you. Please tell us about your adventures - it makes me happy that they're happening to someone who knows who to share it in an entertaining way!! :)

Suzy Krause said...

Aw! thanks Mich. :)