Friday, April 27, 2012

{part 23}

{parts 12345678, 9 10,  1112 1314, 151617181920, 2122}

am i ready to leap
is there peace beneath 
the roar of the forth road bridge?
on the northern side 
there's a fife of mine
and a boat in the port for me

i'll float away
down the forth, into the sea

there are two bridges from edinburgh, over the fjord called the firth at forth, to fife. there is a space beneath one of them where no one is and where you can sit in the fog for a bit and feel like you don't actually exist at all, if you like that sort of thing.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucketbecause when the fog rolls in, it rolls all the way in; so thick you might think you were on fire if you weren't so soggy and cold. it falls apart and you see the tops of things, but they're gone again just as quick. and the sky becomes white and the birds disappear. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


danielle rousseau said...

who are you? no amount of compensation will reverse the effects of this blog. not an avocado that you would ruin in the mail nor a pathetic petition to be friends. the only just compensation would be the elimination of this ridiculous blog.

Suzy Krause said...

you're right, i shouldn't try to bribe people with fruit. it hasn't really worked for me in the past, so i don't know why i keep trying. i just feel like some day i'll meet a really mean person who really loves avocados and i'll just win them over with one simple green gift.

oh, that life could be that easy.

Carmen said...

Oi. I hope Ms. Danielle there is a friend, and that that is an inside joke. Otherwise, oi. /:) (<--that's a sardonic smiley face with one raised eyebrow.) I particularly enjoyed picture #... oh, I don't know what number. The one with the bird flying out of the fog. It should be a painting.

JTay said...

There is a really easy solution to your problem, Danielle. Stop reading the blog. Done. Unless you're looking for drama, and I have a hunch you may...

Shelley said...

Beautiful photos. Beautiful post.

Who is this person who hasn't yet cottoned onto the fact that if they don't like your blog they perhaps shouldn't keep reading it? People are strange.

Caitlin said...

What is up with these nasty comments? WTF? For what it's worth I love your blog. And these photos are lovely, as always...that fog is nuts.

Liz said...

You seem to have a lovely life :)
Great photos!

Suzy Krause said...

you should paint it. ok? ok.
also, i like your sardonic smiley face.

Suzy Krause said...

thanks shelley! :)
and indeed, people are strange. have you ever read the comments on a youtube video? YIKES.

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks caitlin! i love your blog too. awww.
i love love love fog so much.

Suzy Krause said...

haha, i suppose it is pretty lovely. i enjoy it, anyway.
& thanks! :)

Suzy Krause said...

mmm, drama. i'm not sure why anyone would look for it here though. my comments sections are not a very dramatic place. try youtube?

Sarah Rooftops said...

I wasn't sure if that comment was an inside joke, either... I'm still not, actually, but I love your photos - I always get a big smile on my face when I'm crossing the Forth Rail Bridge on my way to Edinburgh because I know I'm almost there.

Suzy Krause said...

oh, the avocado reference is from a comment she left on a different post. haha, what a lady!

i know i've said this before but I'M SO JEALOUS OF YOU LIVING IN SCOTLAND. BAHHHHHH.